This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Friday, 2 August 2013

This day, one year ago...

The evening is warm. The air is warm and full of birds, flying around looking for food for themselves and perhaps their newborn baby birds. I sit on a bench in a park. I have just eaten.  I could share my food with them, but I was told not to. Too much of a mess! So I eat it all myself instead. 
One little girl that just learned how to cycle, looking very proud, smiles in delight and says hello. Without the hesitation of an adult, just pure joy.

I try to remember how I spent this day one year ago. 2nd of August. Was I in love? No I was not.  Did I dream about this adventure back then? Yes I did, but the dream was very diffuse. Did I spend the day together with friends and family? Was the evening this warm? I don't remember, but I do know that we only get 2-3 evenings like this every summer, so it is very special. So special that you can hear people in the street talking about it, everywhere.
This evening,  the 2nd of August this year,  I am alone. Alone with my own thoughts. I feel happy and satisfied,  calm from tip to toe. No worries because I know where to sleep tonight and I am not hungry anymore. No more basic needs to feed. I feel priviliged.
When I see someone that looks lonely, my first thought is a sad one.  I wonder where her or his friends and family are. And I hope that person chose to be alone at that moment. After all that is what I did, and this is not something I regret. I know where my friends and family are - in my heart. I know that most of them are having a great time, living and laughing in the warm summer night.  I know that time will pass, and that time will come. I will loose time, and I will see them all again. Soon.

Good night. Sleep well. :-)

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