This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Cool old roads

Hi everyone enjoying reading this blog!
I can't believe you still keep on reading it. I could never imagine that so many people would, have a look, read one blog, or maybe even read it as soon as a new blog is posted. There are no words for my gratitude. Thank you so much for all the support. Knowing your thoughts are with me is encouraging! You are with me too, every step!

Again, I sleep in the parish house of a church. You are all so very kind and generous. Some of you that I have been talking to were on your vacation, but still you always try to help me! To me that is a true human spirit. I will pay it forward, I try to everyday.

Today was my longest day of walking so far, and maybe also the mentally toughest. Since I made a mistake while planning today' s walk, that was supposed to be on the Pilgrims way ''Nydalaleden'', I decided to follow the road instead of the path, which I realized was 4 km shorter. So 34 km instead of 38. The road that I was walking on is one of the old roads, that connected Sweden with the rest of Europe, reaching over 550 km from Stockholm to Helsingborg (where you can take the ferry to Denmark). From what I have heard,  parts of it, that now mostly are replaced with other roads, are dated back to the middle ages. Loïs and I hit one of those cool old pebbeled roads one day when walking.  We had no idea about that until an exicited local told us!
It means a lot to this adventure that I'm right in the middle of, knowing that the roads I am walking have been both walked and driven by many people before.  They carry stories from years and years back when eveything took it's time. ''See you next year when we have been to Spain and back!'', some of them might have said.....

It is already late,  so good night and sleep well. No more chocolate for me.



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