This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Hi everyone !!

It must be around 3-4 days since I last wrote something on the blog. We have been busy, in a way. My mother and father came to see us in Gränna, a little town in Sweden situated just by the shores of Vättern (2nd biggest lake). That same town is also, at least in sweden, famous for a special sweet called ''polkagris''. They are made traditionally with a taste mint, as a twisted stick. As it grew more popular they started to add different flavours to the sweet. So today you can have almost whatever you like. It's funny to see that old traditions and recepies still are in use even though we live in an age when there often is a need of something new, a new taste or a new experience that can satisfy us and light up our day..

I mentioned it in the beginning,  but the last days have been very busy, but in a good way. I havn't felt stressed at all. But the thing is that when you are traveling from one place to another,  every day as we do, your head is often full of impressions. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Impressions of people waving and smiling, places that you have never been to, that still feels like home, an beautiful old and wise oak, sea and sky and clouds, suddenly standing fave to face with a buzzing bee that stops by,  busy keeping its body in the air when it looks like it is staring right through you.
No matter how wonderful all these experiences are, it can sometimes be hard to relax your mind.  That's when I need time alone to think and reflect in order to create new energy. And after all, what I have been enjoying most so far, are all the conversations and exchanges we have had with people. And I know this is what I will remember when autumn and winter is approching.  The sunny days on the road, meeting all those beautiful and honest people. It will keep me warm.

In today's blog I would like to send many many thanks to you Monica, who gave us more than we would ever ask for, unconditionally.  We were only supposed to stay the night in the room we paid for, but instead you invited us to share and eat dinner with you while watching the Swedish ladies play football.  Having breakfast on your garden terrace the day after while talking about life and how it sometimes quickly turns you upside down, and then receive two tasty sandwiches as a packed lunch,  was again more than we could ever dream of. Thank you so much. You will heal, I am sure about that.

I would like to finish this blog by sending my deepest condolences to all of those hurt by the tragic train accident outside Santiago de Compostela two days ago. Rest in peace. We walked 33 km for you the day after this terrible disaster, praying for you and thinking of you, and we will keep on walking for the good in this world, the beauty of this world.
Alessio, a pilgrim that I met when walking to Santiago last summer, wrote that he has left a piece of his heart in that city. It was beautiful how you  putted it Alessio. I did that too.

Also, enjoy the pictures from the last 3-4 days!

Take care and have a warm and cosy evening.

Love and Peace,


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