This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


Good evening everyone!

The only chance you have to hear the sound of crickets (syrsor), when you are sleeping inside on a floor, is when you open the Windows or the door of the house. Letting nature in. Pure nature that is always real and always promising and honest.  Letting in, what we people often have trouble doing. What if I tell someone what I really feel or what I really believe in? What will happen? Is it a game of winning or loosing? Or is it just not a game, but instead simply being human?  We need each other,  every step along the way. And being true to oneself will always show to be the best in the end. This is what feels right and that helps us relax and use our energy spreading good everywhere we turn. 

We phoned the priest in the church of Månsarp today when the rain was pouring down, asking if we could stay in the parish house for the night.  Another group had also planned to stay, but he gladly helped us anyway Saying that there would be room for us too. 
The walking group call themselves ''Asylstafetten'', and translated into English it would be something like ''The relay race for Asylum''. They started to walk from Malmö 2 weeks ago, towards Stockholm,  with the mission to emphazise and highlight that the Asylum politics as it works in Sweden today,  is wrong and inhumane. They want people to listen to the stories of the refugees who come here and that the Swedish government start to respect the declared human rights.
In the towns and cities they pass they try to organize events fo the cause too! A good and brave action! If you would like to have a look at their website,  follow this link:

I am sure they are on Facebook as well. I wish you all the best and good luck on the rest of your walk. It looks like you are taking very good care of each other. Keep it up and stay strong! I can never imagine what some of you have been through, and at such a young age..

Good night everyone.  Stay open minded and humane. I am because we are.

Love and Peace,


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