This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

''Home is whenever I'm with you''

For more than one year I have dreamt about truly embrace this journey, this long walk. To sail out and to lose shore for a while. The dream is deeply rooted. It's roots have held on to my consciousness for a long time. And when I write ''for a long time'', Im not thinking about time as something linear, but more circular, since the thought and dream of doing this has been the first thought speaking to my mind every morning when I have woken up, and then it has been circuling around in my head the whole day.
I can't say I never had problems with the realisation and acceptance of this dream, because when dreaming, about anything,  there are always moments of doubts. When you start question yourself and if you are doing the right thing - moving in the right direction. These doubts are just natural I believe. When doubts hit you, they might seem a bit scary first, shaking the ground you are walking on. But I always come to the conclusion that we need times of doubts and questions, in order to finally reach some kind of satisfaction. After all, for me, it is exactly the possibility of realizing a dream, that makes life interesting. Small or worldwide - it doesn't matter.  What matters is to listen to your heartbeat.

I believe I have all this contemplations right now since two very beloved friends, Mirjam and Sofia, came to visit me and Loïs yesterday, in Norrköping where we are now. And this was the second time they came since we stared to walk. I love them with all my heart for who they are and what they have become, and for the different paths they are walking on. We have known each other for quite a while now, been through times of troubles, but always found the right way out of the tunnel, where the bright light gives you guidance. It is a special friendship, you just know. You just feel. You just say.
Mirjam said something very expressive earlier today when we sat by the river, eating icecream. It sums up the feelings that I have had the two and a half days we spent together this time. She said that when you are surrounded by the people you love, friends, family, it doesn't matter where you are. It is the people that matters. So this place naturally becomes your metropole.
It might sound simple and easy, but I'm not sure it is. Today, I think we often keep the wrong focus. We believe that in Changing our environment, bying that new sofa or tv, it will make us happier. That the external, material and physical environment is what's shaping and creating the best reality we can get and achieve. But then, in times of contentment or sorrow, it all leads back to the love we feel and share with the people we love. This is what truly shapes us. I am, because we are.

You make me think of this song, girls.

I love you and you are in my mind, now and always. As Loïs said, being far away from eachother strengthens friendship. It sounds Strange in a way. But I believe it is true.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!!

Peace,  Love and eternal bliss,

Lovisa and Loïs

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