This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Connected dependence

Good evening all of you!

The route Sörmlandsleden that we took from Eskilstuna,  didn't really live up to our expectations... Before we started that route, we told each other that it from now on would be MUCH easier to walk. We thought that we would only have to concentrate on walking and only walking.  Moving our legs in the right direction. How hard can it be? There would be no more stopping every now and then waiting for heavy trucks to pass. There would be no more stopping every now and then looking at the map just to make sure we had chose the, first - most beautiful, and Secondly safest way.
But things didn't quite turn out that way, or the way we had expected.  You can never know, that  is for sure, but you often have some kind of idea. Maybe we put all our trust in ourselves and our capability.  This quote by Paulo Coelho sums it up, even though I can't say it guided us this time, ha ha:

''No one knows what is going to happen the next moment.  But still people move forward,  because they have trust, because they have faith.''

-----> So what happend was we needed to rest. Mostly I. So one day of rest turned into two. And I am happy I'm not on any kind of schedule. Tomorrow we will hit a walking route called ''Klosterleden'' ( the route of Monastries'', a pilgrims-route! We will then follow it to Vadstena, a pilgrims-town. Wonderfully situated by the shores of Vättern,  Sweden's second biggest lake.

Connected dependence. The first Camino I did to Santiago de Compostela changed many of my believes. Or ''changed'' might be the wrong word to use here. Developed is better. I developed and searched for my believes on a deeper level than I had before. And many people, that also became friends, different circumstances,  were all a part of this development. And people and circumstances were Connected.  They always are. There is no such thing as independence. It may look like we are all independent, and that we are seperate. And what we learn is that being independent is what really counts in the end. Sometimes I even think it sounds like that if we are independent, and if we act as if we are,  we can conquer the world. I believe that that there are so many good reasons for believing in dependency, rather than independency. What I do and what I say will affect others.
I am trying to forget about independence. But forgetting about it doesn't mean I don't believe in the power of the will, that is inside of us all. Will, dependence and a sense of being connected is something we all need. And when we have realized that we are not independent, but dependent, this will naturally lead us in the good direction. Doing good to myself then also means doing good to the earth and all the different species living and loving on it.

Take care and have a good nights rest.  We need each other. Today and tomorrow.

Love and Peace,

Lovisa and Loïs

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