This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

''Did you give the world some love today?''

Music nourishes the soul. It gives our muscles the opportunity to relax, and so our head and brain can do too. It is meditative if we close our eyes and let go.
We have been to two concerts on this trip, both in churches. The sound echoes in the dome-shaped rooms, as churches often are, and the high ceiling helps the sound of music to echoe, travel and elevate higher and higher. From time to time it is even hard to recognize where the different sounds were born. And the sound also changes a bit when it rebounds from the cold stonewalls..

Loïs and I listened to this song today when having an early break in the morning sun. It is no doubt a feel-good song. Lyrics are just simple and easy. It was my dear dear friend Sofia recommended it to me. I remember what you said too. Today this is your song though,  because it reminds me of you and your warm narrow-eyed smile.
Happy birthday. You know I wish I could spend it together with you.

Before I go to bed I will listen to this song once more and then reflect on it's simple message. 

I hope that you have had a lot of sunshine today, that have energized your body and soul.

Tomorrow we will continue on Klosterleden, moving south and then soon we will reach Söderköping!

Sleep tight.

Peace, Love

Lovisa and Loïs

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