This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

''I thought that cows would back off if you start to walk towards them''

Hi there again! Good evening!

We have really settled in again. The room is nicely designed and furnished. Warm colours.  Red and dark blue is fitting together in a perfect combination. Two components.At the moment of writing this I can hear the gentle sound of the beautiful old watch hanging on the wall, as it always has. Perhaps since the year of 1957, when this house was built.
So were are we? At the parish house, of the church in Katrineholm, (Katrineholmskyrkans församlingsgård). Again, the church welcomed us with open arms and again we almost could not believe how friendly people can be. We have met so many generous people since we started this journey,  and we know that many more will cross our path. I just can't wait to meet all of you out there!
With all this said I'd also like to add that this, by no means, does't say that we are not care-and thoughtfull before we make contact with people we meet on the road. After all, you have to be a bit cautious as well, seeing that there are people who for a while have forgot how to love and act, due to circumstances. I truly believe that good exists in every human being. In doing good we expand our hearts and relations. In doing good, being nice and friendly, we will ourselves benefit from it. Therefore,since everyone in the end benefit from it, doing good is inside all of us.

Now to the mysterious headline!
For the first time on this so far 12-day-walking-trip, we found ourselves a bit lost yesterday.  We had decided to walk 24 km, but when reaching that point we had to move on, another 4 km. The route we are on right now is a REAL forest hiking route, and I think this was not what we expected.  Mountains, rivers, big fallen trees that you have nooo idea how to jump/crawl over,- you name it! The landscape is stunning and very green, in bloom, but also very very tough to walk/crawl/jump.
Anyway, when we had walked 3 km more, we reached a meadow (hage), and we heard that something really really big was moving around there. COWS, at least 20 of them. Loïs tried to use the skills she got during her childhood, when she helped the farmer to herd, but it did not work out quite well, so we had to come up with some other tactics. I was a bit paralyzed and scared to be honest, because they moved towards us, not away from us. So thank you Loïs for staying much calmer than I ever could. After a while, we started to walk slowly out of the meadow, throwing our big backpacks over the fence, and then ourselves. And yeah, the rest is just a blurry paralyzed history that we already laugh about.

I just want to add as well that we carried less food than we actually really needed for walking in the woods, reaching no town on three days. But someone saved us again. Thank you Anette in Svalboviken for the food you gave to us, , unconditionally. Im not sure if we had managed to climb Eskilstuna highest mountain if we had not met you. Thank you!

A reflection: volunteering is nourising the soul don't you think?  And when you retire for example, this might be a good way of helping and still contributing to your community. Today we met four retired, all of them still giving and sharing. I hope that when I get old, life will show me that doing, helping and contributing, is the right direction.

Thank you for reading this looong blog. I had a lot to share today. Hope you enjoy it.

Peace, love and eternal bliss,

Lovisa and Loïs

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