This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Smultronställen/Wild strawberry place

Good evening!

We are both very fine.  I really hope you are too. Never thought that walking together with one person such a long time,  would work that well. But it does, it does. Thank you Loïs for your understanding and for being honest. I can not ask for more. Thank you for supporting me too.

Yesterday when I was flicking through a magazine, this text caught my attention. It spread a warm feeling alltrough my body. It is about something familiar,  but yet so untouchable.  I have tried to translate it into English,  I am sure it is not perfect, but here you go:

First, just to explain the Swedish word ''Smultronställe''. Literally translated it means ''
Wild strawberry place''. During summer, there is wild strawberry growing in the forest and sometimes by the side of small roads, like countryroads. Very sweet tasting they are, as you might know! We have eaten quite a lot while walking,  the only thing is that you have you bend over, with your backpack on your back,  and your not very flexible shoes are not supporting you in this action either,  in order to pick these small but very sweet tasting red berries. Sweet and not very easy to find - that is the typical wild strawberry!

But an explanation for the word ''Smultronställe'' first:

''A smultronställe (wild strawberry place) is used to describe an especially nice place usually somewhere off the beaten track.''

And this is the translation of the text:

'' The beauty of the wild strawberry places is that they are where you least expect them to be. In a sunny glade in the woods or by the roadside where no one has ever been. The easiest way to find them is just to stop looking for them. The best way to enjoy them is to share them with others. If you remember how to get there. For the truth is, it is not just about the place. Time and circumstances are part of the experience, and when you come back, sometimes years later, the feeling is not the same. Perhaps it is you that has changed, or there is a memory that elude. Wild strawberry places are simply to be enjoyed here and now - this summer.''

Good night. I hope you find your own Wild strawberry place tomorrow!  But do not search, just pay attention.

Love and Peace,


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