This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

When someone turns your world upside down

The evening is very calm, a bit chilly in the air, and crispy too. Fresh. I'm sure you know what I'm trying to describe here. This is the moment that arrives just after the sun sets. There is a kind of swich in the air as well as in the wilderness.  Some birds stop their seductive singing, calling for a mate. Others start just to make us sure that the day of sunshine is over and night of moonlight is approching, to restore us, to heal us. Breathing in the crispy air is refreshing my nose, throat all the way down to my lungs..

Today we went to the library in Eskilstuna just to look up a few things. We hadn't eaten since 8 o clock in the morning, and now is was around 12.30 pm. It took a while, and when the library closed we almost crawled out of it, and then sat down for lunch. A woman who worked at the library's café, started to carry the chairs inside, just as the normal procedure. We said hi and she went in, but after 15 minutes, us still Sitting there, she came out again. She was on her way home, buy first she wanted to know where we were going and why. We told her and for a moment our meeting became very intense. With tears in her eyes she told us that she believed in us and what we are doing.  Suddenly I felt more courageous than I had felt during the last 129 km that had passed. Thank you for showing your real self Jenny. You gave us one more thing to believe and have faith in. Now we know what really counts - that we realized our dream and started the journey,  not only mentally.  But turned into a reality.

A reflection: what where you thinking when your eyes suddenly turned dewy? And when that teardrop then fell down your cheek?

The fish start playing in the river now. My tent is a hundered meters away, so I'm heading there now. Thank you river for giving me inspiration and time to slowly breath.

Good night,

Peace, Love and eternal bliss

Lovisa and Loïs


Suzette said...

Det är så fint det ni gör och det är väldigt kul att följa med på er resa! Inspirerande :) Hoppas ni fortsätter träffa sådana fina människor och får hjälp på er tuffa vandring! Kramar Suzette

Unknown said...

Tack Suzette för dina fina ord. Hoppas du har en skön sommar :-)!

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