This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Friday, 28 June 2013


Good garlic evening!

Yes, we are eating lots of garlic and tent almost smells of it. Everything tastes better with garlic, I'm sure we all can agree on this?! Garlic,  salt and pepper. Yum! The thing is, since this walk, as much as possible, is a green walk, we use organic shampoo, soap and even toothpaste. I think it is quite easy to forget and not being aware of  the many polluting  liquids we flush down our toilet. I'm lackning in knowledge when it comes to how much each liquid is polluting, and in what way it is hurting nature. All I know is that it's terribly wrong.
I like how The Moneyless Man Mark Boyle puts it: If we all had to clean our own drinking water, I doubt we would pee and poo and it.
So then it is not just the liquids we use then... happy we're  helping nature composting right now instead,  ha ha!!

Tomorrow will be our first day on a walking route, it is called ''Sörmlandsleden''.  We have been walking on countryroads and a few times, and mostly short distances, even bigger roads (don't tell mum and dad). There was not always an option to be honest.
Anyway, We will start outside Eskilstuna and then see how far we'll go tomorrow. So our first day on walking route means your first day without reading the word ''asphalt'' in this blog! Hurray!!

Early for us tonight. Sleep well. Stay in touch. Take care.

Peace, Love and Eternal Bliss

Lovisa and Loïs

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