This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The walking wounded

Good evening! !

I really shouldn't be lying here, in my tent, writing a blog this late because the alarm will go off at 6.00 am tomorrow. We want to start quite early since we today realized that we have almost forgot all about organazing and packning during our post-first-Camino year.  It really takes a lot of effort and brainpower, more than we thought...

We met wonderful country-people today.  Only friendly souls. Two people asked us if we wanted to have something to eat, but the first time we had just eaten and the second time we really were to tired just having a normal conversation, ha ha, our blood sugar was apparently very low.

I havn't told you yet, but I'm treating a wound on my right knee that I got 4 days before we started our journey. Who is testing my willpower and belief? I'd like to know... anyway it is healing and I'm sure some more walking and fresh air will help.

A reflection: I'm too tired to come up with some philosofical news. All I want to say is that we invited and kept the mosquitoes company tonight. We are going to have to buy mosquito repellent in Enköping. Three more days,  three more days....

Good night my friends.

Peace and eternal bliss

Lovisa and Loïs.

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