This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Midsummers Eve

Happy Midsummers Eve everyone!

All over Sweden,  people party and celebrate today. It's Midsummers Eve. I believe that the partying is a kind of a last day celebration for the little sunlight that Sweden gets every year. Around 21st of June every year it is an astrnomical event called Summer solstice (Sommarsolståndet).  This is the day when we have the longest day and the shortest night. Then it starts getting darker at night and the days with beautiful sunlight last longer.  If this is not something worth partying for, I don't know what is? And so we did (see picture if you scroll down).

I find the celebration part of Midsummers Eve more interesting this year. In ancient times the Midsummers Night was said to be a very special night when it comes to magic. Supernatural beings and creatures were much more active. If you werw looking for healing medicine plants this was the perfect night going looking for them. We might go having a look at nightfall, Loïs and I. The woods that we are sleeping in tonight is supposed to be a nest of love....

It's funny to realize and see how the world in some way conspires in helping you ending up where you really want to be, or somewhere you for some reason really have to go.
Today when we walked on a sunny countryroad looking for a place where we could refill our waterbottles,  we stumbled upon a rehab center for alcohol and drug abusers, situated beautifully by a lake. We were immideately invited for a cup of coffe and some cake.
Thank you for your hospitality and open hearted atmosphere! That was just what we needed at that time. Our short time there also made me question things in life. Thank you.

A reflection: If you give, unconditionally, it will spread like waves on water.

The bonfire is almost out.

Good night and have a good day tomorrow!

Peace and eternal bliss,

Loïs and Lovisa

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