This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The blog from sunday 17/8

Today. Today. Today.
The adventure continues and I am so excited. I see it as a new level. The next step. A strange and unfamiliar feeling.  But still so excited.

I have spent two wonderful days with Bea and Anders, two amazingly generous people that invited me to stay with them in the old village where they live, close to Trelleborg from where I just boarded the ferry. They are very very Warm and Caring. People with warm and open hearts. We experiences until after midnight. I will remember the two last days I spent in Sweden, and this is because of you. Thank you so much. I am so happy and greatful.

So almost two months of walking in Sweden has reached its end. Woods, dusty and quiet countryroads, crazy roundabouts, crowded cities and streets, busy roads with heavy trucks, hanging cliff walking, 360 view over landscapes bathing in the midday sunlight, in the country where I was born. ''In the distance I can see the town where I was born'', as Bruce Springsteen sings in his song ''Long walk home''. The song always reminds me of the importance of breaking up and to change your environment in order to grow and overcome obstacles that is either present, or resting inside of you. It is also about growing up and to find out what you want in life and how you want to live it. I believe we have an option here, there is always an option, but circumstances too that force us to take hard and uncomfortable decisions.
If you are interested in listening to this nice rock song, can listen to it here, and I think a happy feeling will start to grow inside of you:

Long Walk Home

What can I say? How can I show my appreciation? I am so happy that I met all of you. You have been so kind,  bountiful, supporting. I am so happy that our paths crossed. Instead of using too many words here, I would like to pay it forward. I believe that in doing so, it creates bounds that are hard to break, and bounds that connect us all on a deeper level. It is about to say 'yes' to life and to trust in life. I can't even count how many times I have met the exact right person I had to meet at that time. It has always surprised me, and it also will in the future. Because you can never know for sure and you can't start to search for it,  because then you won't find it.

Take care now! We stay in touch in Germany too! And have a nice day. Enjoy and cherish it.



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