This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

At the end of the world, it looks like all trucks are aquaplaning (vattenplanar).

It felt like the end of the world was near when walking today. For 2-3 km there were soo many trucks passing us, only around 2-3 m away. Oily whirlwinds of water that smelled of humanity's unsaturated demands constantly hit us...

I don't like to complain when it is raining,  because even if I feel like I need to, there is no need. The rain was really really heavy today when walking. And constant. But if I think the other way around, and don't let my first thought get its hold on me, I can see so many good things with rain, ha ha! But I know, I know how hard it is focusing on doing so. But I also know it makes my life much easier. It is a bit  like mindfulness, isn't it? And I don't say I like to feel cold and wet on the oustide, no one does. But I am just trying to keep a warm feeling inside instead, like the rays of sun that I know are hidden behind those giant grey clouds. And knowing that same sun will soon shine again, also keeps me warm. A thought that hit me today though was how you made it Martin? When you walked from your hometown in Holland,  you had three weeks of rain in France, hadn't you? Then we can start talk about keeping a warm feeling inside.. .impreassive and one very big inspiration.

We felt warm when walking out of Norrköping today, and this is all because of everyone that welcomed us at the parish of Hedvig's church.  I am completaly sure I have never had such a good tasting vanilla bun before, and that together with fair trade coffe was a delight. We will have one for breakfast tomorrow as well!

Heading towards Söderköping tomorrow, and then we start walking west to Vadstena. The landscape of Östergötland is stunning and flowing in wonder. Many thanks to all of you living here permanent,  taking such a good care of it.

Eyes are just nearly open. Time to say goodbye and good night.


Lovisa and Loïs

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