This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Vicksängs församling (the church of Vicksäng)

I don't know where or how to start......
This time it's not a clichée to say that I am out of words. Or, I will put it this way instead: From now on I will forget all about clichées, because who invented the first clichée anyway? How does something become a clichée or end up being a clicée? Let's just forget all about them, because what they really are is just pure and honest expressions of feelings. And sometimes I wonder if I know something more beautiful than doing so.

Loïs and I continued our walk from a church ouside Enköping two days ago. I mentioned this church in an earlier post.  Beautifully situated up on a hill it was.
The caretaker who, without any hesitation, gave us the open hearted permission to let us sleep outside the church,  said good morning the next day by giving us breakfast.
He also brought some necesserities that he thought would make or life on the road easier. I send all my thanks and lots of love to you Tom. Taking a detour in order to bring us some freshly made bread, was more than we could ever dream of. Thank you.

Walking into Västerås yesterday, the heat rising from the asphalt (I know I have been nagging a lot about asphalt in almost every post I have written, but as soon as we reach Eskilstuna, in around three days,  I will put an end to it, since we will then hit a real walking route), we thought that the road ahead of us was about to melt. I think that our bodies too said 'no more', and actually wanted the road to melt so that we could not continue,  even though our stubborn minds wanted.
We then passed the church of Viksäng with it's stunning oak yars, green leaves bathing in the sun.  We walked up to the parish house to ask for a stamp when a group of very nice women greeted us with curiosity.  We are pilgrims on our way to Santiago we said, and then everything happend so quickly. In just ten minutes we we were offered all the facilities we needed and so much more. What can I say, for today's breakfast we were invited to Sara, a woman full of energy,  working as a priest. She told us a lot about how they work in Västerås,  really trying to include everyone. Young, old, gay, queer - all are welcome. On friday the church will celebrate rainbow mass, and then on saturday participate in the first Pride Parade arranged in Västerås. She was very excited about this,  and I think that she is storing and restoring energy with the help of the pillars that her belief rests on.  I think this was very beautiful to see and to have the opportunity to be a part of.

We are both so very grateful.

A reflection: Thank you Caroline for the interesting conversation we had about  giving and recieving. This really is something we will carry with us along the way.

We have to move on now. As a beloved friend once said to me: you have to continue, carrying the special memories with you. But don't cry. Remember and laugh. And then keep the doors of your heart open for the new adventures coming.

Love, peace and eternal bliss.

Loïs och Lovisa


Veen, PB( Pieter) said...

dearLovisa,( Lois)

How are You today? Did it cure all the while indeed, your leg?
Bit strange, sharing Your walk with an uncle ofLois?
Maybe both can walk with -*stSamson the hospitable-today.

Some bright spots on the political floor here, em- ployers sudden condemn governments cuts as well. *Prime minister can take that to brussels whith him:-)

Grtz from grandMother Hannie too.
Take care now and have a nice day!
theNetherlands /Pieter.

sent me an sms lois /don't know what went wrong /lost nmbr ?
lois has to translate i think :

Sara Secund said...

May God bless you and keep you safe on your way!

A pleasure to have you here,

Love Sara.

Unknown said...

Hi Pieter! We are both very fine, hope you are too! Nice that you keep us updated! Hope you have a good summer!

Unknown said...

Thank you Sara. Amen. <3

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