This blog was originally about two girls who began to pilgrimage on the 20th of June of 2013, walking from Sigtuna, Sweden, with the goal to reach Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of Spain.
The journey stopped sometime in September of 2013, and will hopefully continue in the future.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The perfect sign on the imperfect campingsite

Lying in my tent, close to sleep, for the fourth time since we started. I really like it. The wind that is blowing the tent softly from side to side, and the raindrops that vary in shape and size bring peace into my mind. I Can't help but having a cozy warm feeling inside of me, knowing that this shelter will help me stay warm tonight.

Today I'd like to say many many thanks to the helpfull girls atbthe reception of hotel Kompassen in Enköping, letting us walk into the nice and clean hotel for a refreshing ''shower'' in the bathroom without shower. It made us walk on for another 3 km, even though we where exhausted.

A reflection: Every day the magical moments pass us by when we have the chance to say ''yes'' or ''no'' to life. A ''yes'' can change everything, but we might need a lot of courage to say it. Saying ''no'' is often tje easier option.

I'd just like to add something about our campingsite tonight.  We are quite close to a big road, so we can hear the cars passing by all the time. I'm sure we will find sleep after today' s walk, but still this is not exactly what we wanted. And this is life.  Acceptance in a way. Feeling low, tired both mentally and physically, we suddenly saw a big wooden cross leaning against a tree. A pilgrims symbol. We might ve on the right way after all...

Sleep tight :)!

Peace and eternal bliss,

Loïs and Lovisa

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